Get started for free!

TORBU is free for teams of up to 10 users.
Sign up for free
Want to learn about pricing for larger teams? Call 860-248-6392, message us, or schedule a demo.

Your TORBU experience.

What’s included in the free version?

Enjoy all the features and capabilities of TORBU without any restrictions except for the 10 user maximum. There are no hidden costs, no trial periods, and no limitations. When you're ready to go larger, simply contact us.

What about privacy?

Your privacy is paramount to us, and we are dedicated to safeguarding your data and ensuring a secure experience.

Will TORBU's pricing change in the future?

Any future changes to our current plans will be communicated transparently, and our commitment to affordability and value will remain unwavering.

How can I send my feedback and questions?

We value your feedback and encourage you to share your thoughts through our easy-to-fill feedback form. Join TORBU today and let's enhance teamwork together!